
    Here are the activities that IONOLAB group participated:

    1. Turkish-British Space Science and Technology Cooperation Workshop, TUSSIDE, Gebze, Turkey, 22-24 Kasım 2006.

    2. IEEE Symposium of Signal Processing and Applications, (15. Sinyal İşleme ve Uygulamaları Kurultayı), SİU 2007, Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey, 11-13 June 2007.

    3. RAST-2007, Recent Advances in Space Research, Harbiye Askeri Müze, Hava Harb Okulu, Istanbul, Turkey, 14 - 16 June 2007.

    4. TÜBİTAK Space Research Joint Cooperation Workshop, TÜBİTAK Kavaklıdere, Ankara, Turkey, 18 June 2007.

    5. IRI/COST 296-2007, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Prague, Czech Republic, 10 - 14 July 2007.

    6. International Workshop on Early Warning and Monitoring Earthquake by Using Electromagnetism Detecting Satellite, Asia Pacific Multilateral Cooperation in Space Technology and Applications (AP-MCSTA), National Insititute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), Cakarta, Endonezya, 25-27 July 2007.

    7. Turkish National Geodesy Comussion (Türkiye Ulusal Jeodezi Komisyonu) TUJK 2007 Workshop, Modeling and Monitoring of Troposphere and Ionosphere, METU, Ankara, Turkey, 14-16 November, 2007.

    8. Fourth Symposium on Atmosphere Science, ATMOS 2008, Climate Change and its Effects, Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Istanbul, Turkey, 25-28 March 2008.